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Saturday, February 16, 2019

Hearing Impairment from the Islamic Perspective

A Review Sarah Rahmat , Nur Ain Othman, Nur Hafizah Sulaiman, Masnira Jusoh, Mohammad Haseef Izani, Ahmad Aidil Arafat Dzulkarnain, Nur 'Azzah Zakaria, Nur Hanisah Tukiran, Noraidah Ismail, Marina L. Alisaputri @ Marina Lamri, Saiful Adli Jamaluddin, Juliana Aminah Marhaban, W. A. Wan Aslynn, Nor Azrita Mohamed Zain, Nurlin Ali Hanafiah Department of Audiology and Speech Language Pathology, Kulliyyah of Allied Health Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia Kuantan. Conceptual Introduction: This talk paper expects to blend accessible writing on hearing sciences from Islamic point of view and to relate this to the present hearing consideration rehearses. The paper centers around a few fundamental degrees: I) the significance of feeling of got notification from Islamic and logical points of view ii) effects of hearing debilitation iii) constraints in comprehension and rehearsing Islamic instructing because of hearing weakness, iv) Islamic duty towards individuals with hearing disability, v) current accessible strategies to encourage Islamic practices among hearing impeded individuals, and vi) fusing Islamization in hearing consideration practice. Plan: Narrative audit and blend Method: Related productions and references were recognized through a few different ways: I) by organized ventures in PubMed, Google researcher, Web of Knowledge and Science Direct utilizing the mixes of 'Islam', 'hearing debilitation', 'hearing misfortune', 'hearing', 'social', learning', 'memory', 'handicap', 'Islamic obligation', and 'learning for hard of hearing' as catchphrases, ii) by investigating the reference arrangements of applicable articles, and iii) by ID of important references from Quran and Hadith by writers who have foundation in Quranic thinks about. Results: The quantity of distributions inside the audiology field, which address the previously mentioned extensions, is somewhat restricted. Moreover, an audit and amalgamation of writing from other related fields, for example, medicinal, wellbeing, and instruction, with references from Quran and Hadith, were likewise done to encourage the dialog of the previously mentioned degrees. End: This paper reasons that there is a rising pattern for the investigations of hearing and Islam in the writing. Encouraging hearing weakened individuals in comprehension and rehearsing Islam turns into a common commitment for guardians, society, and the patients themselves. This discourse additionally distinguishes that there is a requirement for more commitments from Muslim researchers in coordinating and actualizing the Islamic standards in ebb and flow hearing consideration rehearses.

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